GNSS::GNSS_Estimator | A class for estimating navigation information provided GNSS measurements |
GNSS::GNSS_OptionFile | A derived option file class for the program |
GNSS::GNSS_RxData | A class for handling GNSS information for ONE EPOCH for ONE RECEIVER such as pseudorange, ADR, and Doppler measurements, user position, user velocity, and other associated information. The previous epoch of data is also retained if available |
GNSS_structCorrections | Correction data associated with a single receiver measurement channel. PRC is PseudRange Correction, RRC is RangeRate Correction |
GNSS_structDMS | A struct for degrees, minutes, seconds, and a string |
GNSS_structDOP | A struct for holding dilution of precision information |
GNSS_structFlagsBitField | A 32 bit bit-field for GNSS measurement associated flags (all are boolean indicators) |
GNSS_structKlobuchar | A container for klobuchar sytle ionospheric parameters |
GNSS_structMeasurement | Measurement data associated with a single receiver measurement channel |
GNSS_structPVT | A struct for holding position, velocity and time |
GNSS_structReceiverTime | A container for time information |
GNSS_structResiduals | Residuals data associated with a single receiver measurement channel |
GNSS_structSatellitePVT | A struct for satelite data |
GNSS::GPS_BroadcastEphemerisAndAlmanacArray | An array class for storing broadcast GPS ephemeris and almanac information |
GPS_structAlmanac | A limited set of satellite orbit parameters that is used to calculate rough GPS satellite positions and velocities. The parameters for computing rough satellite clock corrections are also included |
GPS_structEphemeris | A set of satellite orbit parameters that is used to calculate GPS satellite positions and velocities. In the ephemeris structure below, the parameters for computing satellite clock corrections are also included |
Zenautics::Matrix | The matrix/vector class. Both real and complex data are inherently supported. One and two dimensional data |
Zenautics::Matrix::Element | This is a nested class that is an element of the matrix. i.e. Matrix M; M(i,j) is the element. It is used for operator(,) access by the Matrix |
Zenautics::Matrix::RealOnlyAccess | A nested class for access only to the real part of the matrix. It is used for operator[] access by the Matrix |
Zenautics::MatrixException | A class for exceptions thrown by the Matrix class |
MTX | The deep level matrix struct. The matrix is either real or complex |
NOVATELOEM4_structBinaryHeader | The NovAtel OEM4 binary message header |
NOVATELOEM4_structObservation | A container for a NovAtel OEM4 observation |
NOVATELOEM4_structRxStatusBitField | The NovAtel OEM4 receiver status bitfield |
NOVATELOEM4_structTrackingStatus | The NovAtel OEM4 tracking status |
OptionFile | A class for handling option files. ';' delimits a comment to follow. The general format is: field, comment = value ; comment |
RINEX_structDecodedHeader | RINEX VERSION 2.11: A container required information from a decode RINEX header |
RINEX_structRawHeader | NOT USED - A container for RINEX observation file header data. Each parameter is the string (multiline is some cases) of columns 1-60 that corresponds to a record descriptor from columns 61-80 |
RINEX_TIME | RINEX VERSION 2.11: A container for a RINEX time |
SEM_structAlmanac | A limited set of satellite orbit parameters that is used to calculate GPS satellite positions and velocities. In the ephemeris structure below, the parameters for computing satellite clock corrections are also included |
stComplex | A complex data struct |
struct_RINEX_obs | A container for a single RINEX data observation |
struct_RINEX_satellite | A container for a single RINEX satellite descriptor |
YUMA_structAlmanac | A limited set of satellite orbit parameters that is used to calculate GPS satellite positions and velocities. In the ephemeris structure below, the parameters for computing satellite clock corrections are also included |